ABE, Kojun (Shinshu University), "On the structure of the first homology of the group of equivariant diffeomorphisms of manifolds with smooth torus actions" (abstract)
CHOI, Suyong (Osaka City University), "Invariance of Pontrjagin classes of Bott manifolds" (abstract)
FUKUKAWA, Yukiko (Osaka City University), "The cohomology ring of the GKM graph of a flag manifold" (abstract)
HARA, Yasuhiro (Osaka University), "On the degree of set-valued maps" (abstract)
HIRAMATSU, Megumi (Okayama University), "Generalization of Pick's formula"
ISHIDA, Hiroaki (Osaka City University), "A classification of Bott towers" (abstract)
KAWAKAMI, Tomohiro (Wakayama University), "A definable strong $G$ retract of a definable $G$ set in a real closed field" (slides)
KHAN, Qayum (University of Notre Dame), "On isovariant rigidity of CAT(0) manifolds" (abstract)(slides)
MINAMI, Norihiko (Nagoya Institute of Technology), "On the Connes-Consani-Soule type zeta function for $F_1$-schemes"
MORIMOTO, Masaharu (Okayama University), "Equivariant surgery under the weak gap condition"
NAGASAKI, Ikumitsu (Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine), "On the existence and classification of isovariant maps" (abstract)(slides)
NAGATA, Masatsugu (RIMS), "Functoriality of isovariant structure sets and the gap hypothesis"
QI, Yan (Okayama University), "The canonical line bundles over equivariant real projective spaces of general dimension" (abstract)
SATOH, Takao (Kyoto University), "On the Johnson filtration of the automorphism group of a free group" (abstract)
SUMI, Toshio (Kyushu University) "Smith set for a finite perfect group" (abstract)
YAGASAKI, Tatsuhiko (Kyoto Institute of Technology), "Homeomorphism and diffeomorphism groups of non-compact manifolds with the Whitney topology" (Joint work with T. Banakh, K. Mine, K. Sakai) (abstract)
YAMAGUCHI, Kohhei (The University of Electro-Communications), "Spaces of $\Bbb Z /2$-equivariant maps between some real algebraic varieties" (abstract)
YAMASAKI, Masayuki (Okayama University of Science), "On simplicial coordinate systems" (abstract)
Organizer: Masayuki Yamasaki
Department of Applied Science, Facluty of Science, Okayama University of Science