RIMS 研究集会


京都大学 数理解析研究所 110号室


14:00--15:00 川上智博 (和歌山大学)
A definable strong $G$ retract of a definable $G$ set in a real closed field
15:15--15:45 平松恵 (岡山大学)
Generalization of Pick's formula
16:00--17:00 森本雅治 (岡山大学)
Equivariant surgery under the weak gap condition


9:45--10:45 祁 艶 (岡山大学)
The canonical line bundles over equivariant real projective spaces of general dimension
11:00-12:00 阿部孝順 (信州大学)
On the structure of the first homology of the group of equivariant diffeomorphisms of manifolds with smooth torus actions
13:30--14:30 山口耕平 (電気通信大学)
Spaces of $\Bbb Z /2$-equivariant maps between some real algebraic varieties
14:45--15:45 南範彦 (名古屋工業大学)
On the Connes-Consani-Soule type zeta function for $F_1$-schemes
16:00--17:00 矢ヶ崎達彦 (京都工芸繊維大学)
Homeomorphism and diffeomorphism groups of non-compact manifolds with the Whitney topology (Joint work with T. Banakh, K. Mine, K. Sakai)


9:45--10:45 佐藤隆夫 (京都大学)
On the Johnson filtration of the automorphism group of a free group
11:00-12:00 Qayum Khan (University of Notre Dame)
On isovariant rigidity of CAT(0) manifolds, I
13:30--14:30 福川由貴子 (大阪市立大学)
The cohomology ring of the GKM graph of a flag manifold
14:45--15:45 石田裕昭 (大阪市立大学)
A classification of Bott towers
16:00--17:00 Suyoung Choi (大阪市立大学)
Invariance of Pontrjagin classes of Bott manifolds


9:45--10:45 角俊雄 (九州大学)
Smith set for a finite perfect group
11:00-12:00 Qayum Khan (University of Notre Dame)
On isovariant rigidity of CAT(0) manifolds, II
13:30--14:30 長崎生光 (京都府立医科大学)
On the existence and classification of isovariant maps
14:45--15:45 原靖浩 (大阪大学)
On the degree of set-valued maps


9:45--10:45 永田雅嗣 (京都大学)
Functoriality of isovariant structure sets and the gap hypothesis
11:00-11:45 山崎正之 (岡山理科大学)
On simplicial coordinate systems

世話人: 山崎正之