City of Okayama

Okayama University of Science is located in the City of Okayama, Okayama Prefecture, Japan.

The closest airport is Okayama Airport. There are international flights from Shanghai (Pudong) and Seoul (Inchon).

Shuttle busses (Airport Limousine Busses) are availble between Okayama Airport and JR(=Japan Rail) Okayama Station.
The fare is 760 yen (one way).
> > time table

If you plan to use a different airport, say Kansai, please contact the organizers for more information.

For foreign participants, we plan to reserve rooms in one of the hotels near JR Okayama Station. There are busses from Okayama Station to the campus.
See ViaInnGuide.pdf.

The following sites may be of help:
Access to Okayama Airport:
Access to Okayama Airport:
Access to Okayama Station by trains:

Okayama University of Science (OUS / Okayama Rika University / Ridai)

There are two bus terminals near JR Okayama Station; one is near the East Gate of the station and the other is near the West Gate of the station. Both the airport limousines and the Okaden No.47 busses to OUS arrive and leave at the West Terminal. The gate for the airport limousines is No.21, and the gate for the Okaden No.47 busses to OUS is No.22.

Here is a simplified timetable for the Okaden No.47 busses with an instruction in English: 47bus.pdf.
Also look at the guide page on busses:
(This page is in Japanese, but you can look at the pictures.)

More detailed timetables are here: for weekdays, for Saturdays and Sundays.

See the map of OUS.
You get off the bus at "Okayama-Rika-Daigaku" (OUS) bus stop. Almost everyone gets off the bus here. Then use escalators to go up the hill. At the top of the hill, across a roundabout (= a traffic circle), you will see a red bridge.
On January 9, the talks will be given in the building marked with number 2 in orange circle which is located to the left of the red bridge. Use the stairs to go up to the 4th floor, and look for Room 10241. See Rm10241.pdf for a map inside the buiding.
On January 10 and 11, you walk across the red bridge, use an elevator to go down to the 1st floor (ground floor), exit from the other side of the building, turn to the right, and the building you see on your right is Building 21. This is where the talks will be given on Saturday and Sunday. Walk around the building to find the entrance of the building. When you enter the building, the room 22115 can be found on your right.

Important places in Building 20 (marked with number 20 in green square on the campus map)
Shigeyasu Kamiya's office: 6th floor
Masayuki Yamasaki's office: 5th floor
Dining Hall: 1st floor